

Compassionate Programme

Find out more about the
Compassionate Centre


Heart Cells Foundation Appeal Film

Watch the progress of the Heart Cells Foundation through the years

News Update

National Three Peaks Challenge Helping Hearts!

Read and support Barry and his intrepid friends who are taking on this amazing challenge

The Heart Cells Foundation relies solely on your individual or corporate support.

You can make a difference to heart disease sufferer’s lives.

Save The Date – Annual Golf Day

Our Aims

Treat patients

To conduct the final 3rd phase clinical trials of adult stem cell therapy to treat patients with heart disease, and to fund the new Compassionate Treatment Programme

Create a New Field of Medicine

To fund treatment for patients with heart failure through stem cell therapy, and ultimately make the treatment available to all on the NHS

Available Benefits

To ensure that any advances made in cell therapy that can benefit patients care are made available as quickly and cost effectively as possible

Heart Cells Foundation Appeal Film 2021: Together We Are Stronger

The Heart Cells Foundation continues The Heart Cells Foundation has created a new field of medicine for the 21st Century. The ability to use a patients own Stem Cells to repair their heart is revolutionising medicine. Now treating patients within the Compassionate Treatment Centre at the Bart’s Heart Centre, patients tell us we are giving them back their lives. Hear from the team and listen to a patient who has been treated with his own stem cells.

Forthcoming events

Join us for an indulgent afternoon in the company of one of the UK’s leading floral designers to be hosted […]

Thank You to our sponsors

Halcyon Days