2023 Golf Day – Tuesday 12th September 2023
We are delighted to be holding our Annual Golf Day at Coombe Hill Golf Club on Tuesday 12th September 2023. This promises to be a great day playing a spectacular course and enjoying a delicious breakfast and lunch – we do hope you can join us!
You can support the Golf Day in various ways, by playing, sponsoring a hole, making a donation, or all three! Either follow the links below or CLICK HERE to download the Golf Day form.
The Golf Day is a shotgun 4-ball stableford team event with prizes also for nearest the pin and straightest drives. Entries can be made as a team or as a single player.
Please do contact us if you wish to discuss other sponsorship opportunities.
For all golf enquiries contact golf@heartcells.uk or call Linda on 020 7486 5838 or Sara on 020 7935 5351.
Thank you for your wonderful support.
The Heart Cells Foundation Golf Committee