Lauren’s 10k Challenge
Congratulations Lauren for successfully completing your challenge and our greatest thanks to all who supported Lauren with her outstanding fundraising efforts.
Lauren successfully completed her 10k run in 54.58 minutes. What an achievement!
It is not too late if you would still like to support Lauren, do make a donation!
If you would like to take on a challenge just like Lauren to support the Heart Cells Foundation do get in touch with your ideas.

Amount raised so far:

I Wish To Donate:
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If you prefer, donate via PayPal
Help with your order
If you have any issues with your payment, please contact us below via email / phone or post.
Phone: +44 (0)20 7935 5351
Address: Sara Beare, Heart Cells Foundation, Suite 4, Mill Court, Mill Hill, Edenbridge, Kent TN8 5DB.
Help with your order
If you have any issues with your payment, please contact us below via email / phone or post.
Phone: +44 (0)20 7935 5351
Address: Sara Beare, Heart Cells Foundation, Suite 11, Accurist House, 44 Baker Street, London WIU 7AZ.